The post-diploma “Cities: Mobility/Nature” is a teaching of 3rd cycle of Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris la Villette (144, avenue de Flandres 75019 Paris France). The school is entitled at the end of the formation to deliver a diploma.
The formation is opened to the architects graduated in France or abroad, and to the non-architects, titular of a diploma of level Master which can justify of a formation or an activity in the field of architecture.
Teaching is done during 2 semesters and includes : 3 seminars with a seminar-workshop, a project and a report composing the diploma.
Teaching is on two days per week. With this device, students can have a professional activity in parallel part-time. Teaching is in French. An English assistance could be provided to those who don’t speak French completely but, in this case, a teaching of French will be in supplement of the formation. The diploma will be in French.